

Application Procedures for Project of Inspection Yard for Freight Vehicles to Hong Kong & Macao of Guangdong Province

1. 需要开设、搬迁车检场的,根据据资金来源的不同,分经营单位投资和当地政府投资两种。由经营单位投资经营的,经营单位须向口岸所在县(市)人民政府口岸主管部门申报。
Projects involving newly-opened inspection yards or moving of existing yards shall be divided into two categories according to different fund resources, namely, investment by an operation unit or investment by local Government. For an inspection yard invested in by an operation unit, the operation unit shall apply to the Port Administration authorities of the local People's Government at county or city level.
2. 县(市)人民政府口岸主管部门会商当地海关、出入境检验检疫等部门同意后,上报广东省对外贸易经济合作厅审批。
The Port Administration authorities of the local People's Government at county or city level will hold counsel with the local Customs and Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Department. The Port Administration authorities will then submit the application to the Guangdong Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for approval.
3. 广东省对外贸易经济合作厅经现场勘察、审核,征求驻省检查检验单位意见后,提出审批意见。
After certain on-site investigation and inspection, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall hand out its decision upon seeking advice from local examination and inspection authorities.
4. 车检场建设项目完工后,经广东省对外贸易经济合作厅组织有关检查检验部门验收后启用。
When the construction of the inspection yard for vehicles is completed, it can only be put into use after inspection and acceptance given by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation together with relevant examination and inspection authorities.


Application for Self-Support Import & Export Rights and Alteration of Enterprise Name

Pursuant to the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation, concerning the Rules for the Administration of Companies Qualified to Conduct Importing and Exporting, WaiJingMaoMaoMaoFa[2001] No.370, with a view to accelerating the reform of system of foreign trade operations and promoting as well as standardizing various enterprises to engage in import and export business as well as in light of actual conditions in our province items such as application filed by enterprises for operational qualification of self-support import and export as well as alteration of their names to be accomplished online are now announced as follows:

一、 企业申请自营进出口权的资格条件:
I. Qualifications for Enterprises to Apply for Self-Support Import and Export Rights:

1、 企业应具备企业法人资格或为依法设立的个人独资企业、合伙企业(以下统称企业),经工商行政管理部门登记注册领取《企业法人营业执照》或《营业执照》。
1. An enterprise shall possess the status of a legal person or shall be the sole proprietorship enterprise or a partnership enterprise (hereinafter referred to collectively as an “enterprise” ) incorporated in accordance with the laws, which shall obtain the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or Business License after registering with the administrative departments for industry and commerce.
2、 企业注册资本(金)不低于300万元(机电产品生产企业、科研院所、高新技术企业100万元)。
2. The registered capital of an enterprise shall not be less than RMB 3,000,000 Yuan (RMB 1,000,000 Yuan for productive enterprises of electromechanical products, scientific research institutions and High-tech enterprises).
3、 已办理税务登记,依法纳税。
3. The enterprise has handled tax registration and paid taxes in accordance with all laws.
4、 该企业法定代表人或负责人,在3年内未曾担任过被撤消对外经营许可的企业的法定代表人或负责人(指在其担任法定代表人或负责人期间,企业违法违规被撤消对外贸易经营许可)。
4. The legal representative or person in charge of the aforesaid enterprise has not held the same post at any other enterprises whose foreign trade operation permit has been revoked (it means that during their terms of such posts, the foreign trade operation permit of the said enterprises has been withdrawn due to the violation of laws and regulations by such enterprises).

II. Materials Required to be Submitted for Enterprises' Application for Self-Support Import and Export Right:

1. An enterprise files a written application and indicates that: "the legal representative or person in charge of such enterprise has not in the last 3 years held the same posts of any other enterprises whose foreign trade operation permit has been revoked." (opinions indicated by each municipal bureau of foreign trade & economic cooperation for enterprises at a local and municipal level and no opinions indicated by the said bureau for an organization directly under the provincial government . The same below);
2. One copy of the Registration Form of Import and Export Enterprise Code of the People's Republic of China shall be completed with official seals of the relevant enterprises and the municipal bureau of foreign trade & economic cooperation where such enterprises reside.
3. A duplicate copy of the counterparts of the annually inspected Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or Business License with a seal of the administration authority for industry and commerce certifying that "this document is in accord with the original";
4. Duplicate copies of tax registration certificate issued by the state tax and local tax bureaus that has gone through the verification on a year basis;
5. Duplicate copies of the National Organization Code Certificate;
6. Duplicate copies of identification card of the legal representative registered in the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or the person in charge registered in the Business License;
7、 个人独资企业、合伙企业要提交会计师事务所、审计事务所或其他具有验资资格的机构出具的验资报告(正本或经验资机构盖章的复印件);
7. A sole proprietorship enterprise and a partnership enterprise shall submit capital verification reports that are issued by an accounting firm, an audit firm or other institutions qualified to verify capital (original copy or duplicate copies with a seal of an institution of capital verification);
8、 高新科技企业、机电产品生产企业,要提交科技主管部或有关部门的证书复印件;
8. A High-tech enterprise and an productive enterprise of electromechanical products shall submit duplicate copies of certificate issued by competent authorities of science and technology or pertinent authorities;
9、 登记部门要求的其他材料。
9. Other materials required by registration authorities.
Our department shall, within 10 working days from the receipt of completed materials of application presented by an enterprise, make decisions on granting or denying the registration, and directly issue an Import & Export Enterprise Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China to the enterprise that has obtained such registration.

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