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3.2 Proposed Hardware

Front-End IP Server

As seen in the system diagram shown in the previous sections, there will be several IP server interface with CMCC M-GMSC. The IP server itself shall serve for 2 major functions: -

1. Interface with CMCC Mobile Network
2. Perform standard ISUP Message Signal Handling
3. Ringring Playback
4. Various Ringring IVR functions (User Administration, etc.)

Each of the IP Server will be equipped with: -
1. E1 Interface (with IVR Capabilities)
2. SS7 Controller Card (to enable the SS7 ISUP Capability)

As per site, all the IP Server shall be running in load sharing mode, where it is assumed that CMCC network will evenly distribute all the Ringring related traffic to various IP servers.

Subscriber Profile Database Server

As shown in the diagrams (Figure 3.1-3.9), each of the installation sites shall have their own subscriber profile database, whereas these database shall be used for Ringring Subscriber profile database purpose. Each site's database shall only store their own city's Ringring Subscriber Profile information.

For Database Redundancy purpose, CRF (Continuous Roll Forward) Mechanism has been used for data redundancy purpose between the active and standby database server.

Web Server

Multiple web servers will only be installed at GuangZhou Ringring Platform. It is assumed that all the web traffic for Ringring will be centralized and redirected into these GZ web servers.

The web server's role is to hold various web pages for: -

1. Ringring Subscriber Profile Management Web Console (used by Ringring Service Subscribers)
2. Ringring SP System Operation and Management Web Console (Used by SP)
3. Ringring Content Management Console (Used by Content Provided and SP)

Both Ringring Service Subscribers and Ringring SP system administrator can maintain their own Ringring service profile and the system configuration via the above consoles.

The web servers shall be running in load sharing mode. A Level 4 Switch (Load Balancer) will be put in front of the web servers for distributing the incoming web traffic between the all web servers. In case of hardware failure at one of the web servers, the Level 4 switch is also capable of re-directing all web traffic to the active running web servers.

Firewall Server has also been included in the proposed solution for higher IP security purpose.

Centralized O&M Terminal

A centralized O&M Terminal will be provided centralized operational and maintenance of the GuangDong Ringring System purpose.

Audio Bank

The audio bank itself serves as a centralized storage for all Ringring voice and ringback tone file, there will be two different ways to maintain the RINGRING voice files: -
1. Centralized Voice File Access – where all devices (IP Server, Web Server, etc.) will obtain voice and ringback tone file directly from the audio bank
2. Centralized File Distribution – the audio bank will serve as a focal point for voice file update where system administration will update and upload new voice file to this audio bank first. And the audio bank will perform file synchronization with various devices periodically.

No. of ringtones which can be stored on the audio bank shall be depending on the hard disk space storage available at the audio bank.

The average file size of each individual ringtone is ~120K (15 sec long ringtone). Assuming that one single audio bank system will have a usable storage size of 500Gb. Therefore, the possible number of file to be stored on the audio bank is ~4000000 voice/ringback tone files.

In order to ensure high access performance of audio bank system, for Ringring DIY feature, it is recommended to limit the duration of each personal announcement to a duration of 15 seconds. Also, it is recommended to limit each subscriber to have only 1 personal announcement.

For the detail calculation of Audio Bank, please refer to appendix 1.

Misc. Accessories

Various miscellaneous equipments have also been included in the proposed solution: -

Housing Equipments: Equipment Cabinet
System Accessories: Keyboard, LCD Video Monitor, Mouse, and KVM Switch
Network Accessories: Ethernet Hubs, Ethernet Switches (Supporting Gigabit Ethernet Interface)

For detail hardware information, please refer to the next two sections (Section 3.2.1 & Section 3.2.2).

3.2 建议硬件


正如从上一节的系统框图所看到的,将会存在几个与CMCC M-GMSC连接的接口。IP服务器本身的主要功能如下:

1. 与CMCC移动通信网的接口
2. 执行标准的ISUP消息信号处理
3. Ringring回放
4. 各种Ringring IVR功能(用户管理等)

1. E1 接口(具有IVR功能)
2. SS7 控制器卡(使具有 SS7 ISUP 功能)





Web 服务器



1、.Ringring 用户资料管理web控制台(由Ringring业务用户使用)
2、Ringring SP系统运行与管理web控制台(由SP使用)
3、Ringring 内容管理控制台(由所提供的内容及SP使用)

Ringring业务用户及Ringring SP系统管理都能通过上述控制台来保存他们自己的Ringring业务资料及系统配置。



集中式O&M 终端

集中式O&M 终端将被用为广东Ringring系统提供集中式操作及维护。


1. 集中式语音文件访问——其中所有设备IP服务器、Web服务器等等)都能直接从音频库中获取语音及回铃音文件;
2. 集中式文件分发——音频库将被用作语音文件更新的中心,其中系统管理将首先向音频库更新和上载新的语音文件,而音频库则将定期执行与各种设备的文件同步。


为了保证音频库系统具有高访问性能,就Ringring DIY特性而言,建议将每一个人发布时间限制在15秒以内。同样也建议限制每一用户只能拥有的1次个人发布。




系统附件:键盘、LCD(液晶)视频监视器、鼠标以及KVM 开关

有关详细的硬件信息,请参见下面两节(3.2.1 及3.2.2节)


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